- 10 stations

The Playoffs test will become the benchmark for fitness testing globally.
Roughly scored 100 points per station.
The max we believe achievable is 1,000 points.
Concept Rowing Machine
Quadriceps, Biceps, Calves, Glutes
Equipment: Concept Rowing Machine
Exercise: The first station of the F45 playoffs starts with the rowing machine, a test of power and cardiovascular fitness.
Be ready on the rower for the start of the F45 Playoffs to commence by sitting on the rower, strapping your feet in and grabbing the handle. The display screen will be reset to ZERO. The dampener will be set to 10.
Athletes will get a 3, 2, 1 countdown to start. At the 45 second mark the number of meters rowed will be recorded.
Bench Hops
Chest, Abdominals, Shoulders, Triceps, Quads
Equipment: Bench
Exercise: The second station of the F45 Playoffs is bench hops, a test of agility and cardiovascular fitness.
Position hands at the front of the bench and start with both feet together on one side of the bench.
A good bench hop repetition is a two feet take off and landing with the feet together and passing over the bench.
No reps will be given for staggered foot take-off or landing or if feet do not travel fully over the bench.
Each good repetition will be recorded.
Push Up Knee Tuck
Suspension Trainers
Chest, Abdominals, Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Suspension Trainer
This exercise is a form of resistance training that uses your body weight instead of a fixed weight. It enables a variety of multiplanar, compound exercise movements which adds balance, skill and strength to this workout. These are done with the aim of developing strength, balance, flexibility, and joint stability simultaneously.
Start with your feet in the suspension trainer, legs and arms straight in the top of the push up.
Chest must touch the floor at the bottom of the push-up, arms must be fully locked out at the top of the push-up and knees must tuck in past 90 degrees.
The repetition is counted once the legs return to the straighten position.
Lateral Hop
5 cones
Abductors, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Equipment: 5 cones(8cm / 3in high), placed 40cm / 16 inch apart in a row.
Exercise: The fourth station of the F45 Playoffs is lateral hops, a test of agility
Stand next to the end of the cones, facing 90 degrees to the direction of travel. This will be your starting position.
No reps include staggered foot take-off or landing, knock cones or if feet do not travel fully over the cones.
Box Jump + Burpee
Plyometric Box
Abductors, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, Biceps, Chest, Triceps
Equipment: Plyometric box
Exercise: The fifth station of the F45 Playoffs is hand release burpee and box jump, a test of functional movement and cardiovascular fitness
Start lying face down on the ground in front of the box with hands off the ground.
A good rep involves pushing off the ground, two foot take-off to jump onto the box and then returning to the ground with hand release.
No reps include no hand release, staggered foot take-off or not returning to the ground at the end.
1 rep is from ground, jump on box to ground hands off
Chin Ups
Pull up bar
Lats, Biceps
Equipment: pull-up bar
Exercise:The sixth station of the F45 Playoffs is overhand grip chins-ups (aka. pull-ups), a test of strength
Start with hands on bar in overhand grip in a dead hang position (arms fully extended). Pull your body up until chin passes bar and lower to dead hang again.
No reps include for underhand grip, not returning to dead hang, not passing the chin over the bar, kipping or swinging.
1 rep is from dead hang, chin over bar, back to dead hang
Squat Press
Barbell Men 30kg / 66 lbs Women 15kg / 33lbs
Biceps, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Middle back
Equipment: Barbell Men 30kg / 66 lbs Women 15kg / 33lbs
Exercise:The seventh station of the F45 Playoffs is barbell squat and press, a test of strength endurance
Start with the barbell in front rack on shoulders. A good rep is full squat to parallel (or below), full lockout overhead in the press and barbell back to shoulders.
No reps include shallow squats (not to parallel), barbell does not achieve overhead position, elbows don’t lock out.
Russian Twist
Medicine Ball Men 9kg / 20lbs Women 7kg / 15lbs
Equipment: Medicine Ball Men 9kg / 20lbs Women 7kg / 15lbs
Exercise:The eighth station of the F45 Playoffs is medicine ball russian twists, a test of core
Start sitting down, leaning back, balancing back on your tailbone, feet up off the ground. A good rep is counted when the ball touches the ground.
No reps include ball not touching the ground, feet touching the ground, ball bouncing with hands coming off the ball
Deadball Over the Shoulder Throw
Deadball Men 25kg / 55lbs Women 15kg / 33lbs
Quads, Biceps, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower / Middle back
Equipment: Deadball Men 25kg / 55lbs Women 15kg / 33lbs
Exercise: The ninth station of the F45 Playoffs is deadball over the shoulder throw, a test of functional movement
Start with deadball on the floor, pick up the deadball and throw it over the shoulder. A good rep is counted once the ball hits the floor after the ball passes over the shoulder.
No rep includes the ball not passing over the shoulder
Sprint and Lateral Hop
2 x hurdles placed 5 meters apart
Quads, Biceps, Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower / Middle back
Equipment: 2 x hurdles placed 5 meters apart
Exercise: The tenth and last station of the F45 Playoffs is sprint and lateral hops, a test of agility
Start with inside the first hurdle with feet together. Run first, 4 hops over the hurdle, must be two feet take off and landings.
No reps include staggered foot take off or landings, knocking over the hurdles, or not completing the specified number of hops.